Sunday 4 January 2015

Making me HAPPY this week

Whoop, it's the first Happy post of 2015.  I would never have thought that I would still be doing them in a new year, but I do enjoy going back to reading them so here goes.  Can you believe we are on the first Sunday of the New Year?

Making me happy;

1) Staying up on NYE.  H went to bed at 6.30pm and got up 2 hours later so he'd make it.  It was pretty boring and we never even bothered with the champagne that I'd found on special (I am way too cheap to pay full price for champagne!!!!), but we did and we had fun.  In the past I have found myself awake with a dog waiting for the fireworks to stop.  I discovered this year, that Anni isn't that bothered about the fireworks as long as they weren't close by.  Patch used to stand int he yard growling back at the sky and I'd be up for hours with her.  Oh the irony.

2)  I have nearly finished A's blanket.  I just have 2 colours to go and then the border and I can give it to A.  It wasn't intended for Christmas -phew but I will take photos and post the story behind it when it is completely finished.  So glad I am nearly there though.

3) A bottle of Prosecco from J.  This went down a real treat one evening with tea.  What do you call your evening meal?  Apparently I am showing I'm a real Northerner by calling it tea :-)

4) A fab date night last night.  We haven't really spent any quality time with each other lately so we sat down with a glass of something cold and watched "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" (or as I called it the Monkey film).  I really enjoyed it.  I have been told that "Guardians of the Galaxy" is worth watching, so I watched the trailer and it didn't appeal.  I'll wait til it's a free one on Amazon prime I think.

5) Anni - well she usually makes me happy - even if she has started hiding when I get the camera out.  When did she become a diva?

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