Monday 1 December 2014

Advent has started

Whoop, advent has started.  I tried to wait until Hubby was home to open my advent box but I couldn't wait.  I have one this year and I am really looking forward to the next 24 (well 23 now) days.

I may have cheated and found number 1 before the big day....... Shush, but don't worry the creator of this box doesn't follow my blog :-) See it there, the little white one??

How about now?  Want to know what was inside?

A fabulous little candle, but way too cute ever to be used.

Thanks M.

On another note, I was slightly late in getting box number 4 out to my friend C.  So I took the decision to post the first 4 days to her (H will deliver the rest tomorrow).  Now, although I can't tell you what the 4 gifts are, they were so little and light I was shocked to find that postage cost me £1.71 and the PO wonder why people are no longer sending so much post......


  1. I did an Advent swap too and the box was around 40cm by 30cm and it only cost me £2.80 to send! I was shocked!

    1. I hate using the PO these days. I seem to get caught with paying more for posting things than others and I can only assume that it helps if you know the limits of each postal category. I sent large letter so maybe that didn't help. I did try to be clever by using the self service machine - but still had to wait for a member of staff to agree the sale.
